Linode Vendor Management Questionnaire page 


Before we entrust you with our sensitive data or access into our systems, we'd like to know a bit about how you're going to store and process it. We've based our vendor assessment tool on Google's VSAQ. It's a simple and consistent way to assess the risks we face by bringing you on board. If you already have a current VSAQ, you can re-use it for our assessment.


You should have been sent an email specifying which of the below questionnaires we'd like you to fill out. If you aren't sure, please get in touch with your Linode sponsor for another copy.



We use the Google VSAQ to assess vendor risk. If you've already completed the VSAQ for another organization and it's up to date, you can send those questionnaires to us instead of re-doing them. 

The questionnaires are here:

Webapp Questionnaire

Security & Privacy program Questionnaire

Infrastructure Questionnaire

Physical security and Datacenter Questionnaire


Once your answers are complete, click the 'Download Answers' button and email the files back to us.

Note: the questionnaire application does not save your answers on our server. If you close the window before you're done, you'll have to re-enter your answers.